The covert NAP Project, led by OSS during the end of Japanese colonial rule, involved 19 Korean agents, whose identities remained concealed until the 1990s. This lesser-known story is now adapted into a musical, highlighting individual choices and dilemmas. The musical portrays Dr. Yul Han as 'Yul Hyung,' a businessman who secretly supports the independence movement and ultimately joins the NAP project.
NAPKO Project, a covert operation that took place at the end of Japanese colonial rule, was led by OSS (Office of Strategic Services), the precursor to the CIA. This project, known as the NAP Project, had 19 agents participating, all of whom were Korean. They worked under code names such as A, B, and C. The identities of these agents were not revealed until decades later in the 1990s. Among the agents was Dr. Yul Han , the founder of the pharmaceutical company, Yuhan. Dr.
Yul Han worked under the code name 'A' during the operation. The lesser-known story of Dr. Yul Han and the NAP Project has been adapted into a musical by the scriptwriter Kim Hee-jae, adding imagination to the script. In the musical, Dr. Yul Han is reborn as 'Yul Hyung,' a successful businessman in America who secretly supports the independence movement in Korea under Japanese occupation. After meeting the independence activist 'Veronica,' Yul Hyung begins to question himself and ultimately joins the NAP project. The musical's strength lies in its focus on individual choices and the reasons behind them, rather than simplistic heroism. It also portrays various characters in different situations, each with their own dilemmas and choices
History Culture NAP Project OSS Korean Agents Musical Adaptation Independence Movement Dr. Yul Han
대한민국 최근 뉴스, 대한민국 헤드 라인
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